• reach@tashvinfoundation.com
  • (91) 7347070734

CSR Initiatives

Our projects range from funding education to health treatments in hospitals for the underprivileged, creating green zones in various cities to initiating projects for skill development. Please get in touch for CSR funding openings with Tashvin.

Create a Campaign

We invite brands who believe in the power of the people, to be a part of our campaigns of transformation to connect to wider audiences across the country.

Pay your Part

Every drop counts in the ocean, and to give our on-going projects support, dignity and impact, we are open to employees of companies\organisations contributing on a monthly, quarterly, annual basis to our causes from their pay, bonuses, profits.

Serve with love

From your extra\unsold stock of utility products, medicines, books…our projects can get great leverage. Our Foundation also looks forward to pro-bono, discounted services from educational, health, IT companies and also consultancy from experts in their fields.


As volunteers with Tashvin Foundation, you, young, sincere, dedicated, young women and men, will contribute to our core causes of health, happiness, women empowerment, environment conservation. We open our arms and space to individuals who care. Let’s walk together on this journey of hope and rediscover each other. 


You will be guided and supported by the best in the industry, and  will get a chance to learn, explore, experiment and make a difference, as part of implementing local and national projects of immense significance. Your work will be validated and appreciated by us in the form of certificates, recommendation letters and our gratitude.