• reach@tashvinfoundation.com
  • (91) 7347070734

Harbingers of Health

The road to good health is dotted with varied challenges and Tashvin strives to address these with a number of effective programmes, led by medical experts from across the country. From garnering resources, to tie-ups with clinics, diagnostic labs, hospitals, chemists, retired clinicians, Tashvin will build a strong chain to provide health treatment of various levels and rehabilitation to those in need.


Education is the greatest leveller, as it gives young women and men from all sections of society a common ground to excel and build a future. Tashvin will work with educationists to provide free tuition, academic counselling and sponsorships and support for deserving EWS students. Our vision is the future.

Women Empowerment

One empowered woman has the potential to change several lives. It is with this trust that Tashvin’s Women Empowerment module is envisioned. With gender specialists, part of our formidable team, Tashvin will offer education, career and health counselling to women, which will extend to assisting them to make informed decisions regarding setting up their own home business, marriage, savings and future.

Skills For Life

An indispensable and integral part of leading an independent and dignified life is earning a livelihood. Skill development for both women and men is a valuable area that Tashvin will focus on, exploring skills of the future that will also create job openings, with the partnership of both private and government agencies.

The Good Earth

Recognising the fact that this planet is our only home, the need of the hour is to make individual and impactful efforts to protect and preserve our environment. From simple steps like growing medicinal trees, maintaining local parks, working towards cleanliness by promoting sustainable practices and spreading awareness about the need to act now to save our Earth from degradation, Tashvin will lead the way.

Holistic Healing

A sound body resides in a sound mind and we know that wellness is a result of a multitude of elements – mental, physical, emotional, spiritual. Tashvin’s healing and holistic wellness programmes will include yoga and meditation camps, sports activities, seminars on mental health, talks by experts on a healthy, natural diet and finding happiness within.